The Content India Show, under the umbrella brand of A.B.I.S is a global marketplace for entertainment content across all genres and platforms, by the German trade fair company, NuernbergMesse India. The 2022 edition was held in a Conference Model along with Broadcast India Show and SCAT India TradeShow.
The Indian media landscape has undergone a complete change that has transformed it into one of the largest, and most lucrative, markets for entertainment in the world. With its current trajectory, the M&E sector in India is expected to cross USD 34 billion by 2022. Indians are consuming content voraciously, with over 900 broadcasting channels and over 40 VOD platforms, the engagement with video entertainment is at an all-time high, further fueled by the pandemic.
The upcoming edition will be a unique experience connecting the Indian and the Global content community, to focus solely on the business of entertainment content- promote, distribute and acquire.